Sensor de temperatura del aire ambiente TX49 de Standard Motor Products
- Marca: Standard Motor Products
- Código de Producto: B000C7YJ5I
-Package dimensions: 8.636 cms L x 5.08 cms W x 3.81 cms H
-Package quantity: 1
-Product type: Auto Part
-Country of Origing: China
As a global manufacturer, we have complete control of the manufacturing process from componentry to finished product. Temperature sensor design specifies tight tolerance thermistor response values to ensure accuracy of the temperature measurement and proper part operation. All Coolant Temperature sensors are 100% factory tested to ensure trouble-free performance. Featuring the broadest sensor coverage in the market, we meet the service professionals needs with the highest quality product every time he opens the box. As a global manufacturer of emission components, complete quality control is maintained through the manufacturing process from componentry to finished product.
-Package quantity: 1
-Product type: Auto Part
-Country of Origing: China
As a global manufacturer, we have complete control of the manufacturing process from componentry to finished product. Temperature sensor design specifies tight tolerance thermistor response values to ensure accuracy of the temperature measurement and proper part operation. All Coolant Temperature sensors are 100% factory tested to ensure trouble-free performance. Featuring the broadest sensor coverage in the market, we meet the service professionals needs with the highest quality product every time he opens the box. As a global manufacturer of emission components, complete quality control is maintained through the manufacturing process from componentry to finished product.